Ultra Marathon open water swim 16km Putrajaya

General info
Event Title: NX113 Malaysia Ultramarathon 16 KM
Event Organizer: Hybrid Management Sdn Bhd
Race Director: Andy Foo
Contact Number : +60123919211
E-mail : registration@neptunex113.com
Date : 21st October 2023
Time : 6.15am – 5.00pm
Venue : Marina Putrajaya (Start), KOSA Putrajaya (Finish)
Race Categories
Ultramarathon 16km
Race Pack Collection
DATE : 20th October 2023
Venue : Double Tree Hotel, Putrajaya
Time : 11.00 am – 5.00 pm
20th October 2023 , 5.00pm at Double Tree Hotel, Putrajaya
* Attending the Race Briefing is highly recommended, as it covers all event information.
ALL events will be held on the 21st October 2023 Saturday.
6.00am Check In (Marina Putrajaya)
7.30am NX113 Malaysia Ultramarathon Flag Off
1.00pm Cut Off Time (5hours 30minutes)
1.00pm Prize Presentation
NX113 Ultramarathon 16km | |
Men | 16 – 29 years 30 years old & above |
Women | 16 – 29 years 30 years old & above |
Mixed Relay (Quad, 2 Male, 2 Female) | 16 & Above |
Category | Early Bird | Normal |
Solo *Limited to 32 pax | RM 880 | RM 960 |
Relay (Quad) *Limited to 10 teams | RM 1280 | RM 1480 |
- T-shirt
- Food & Beverage
- Cert
- Finisher Medal
Category | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
*Solo | 1500 | 1000 | 500 |
*Mixed Relay (Quad) | 3000 | 1500 | 1000 |
*Mixed relay team with less than 5 team not eligible for Cash Prize
Venue Layout
- Spectators Area and Prize Presentation Area
- (a) Media Area (Tower(b) Timing Area (Tower)
- Final Call Room
- Medical Tent
- Reporting & Registration Tent
- Safety Team & Lifeguards Tent

Ultra Marathon 16KM
Race Route & Safety plan

- The Organisers reserve the right to amend the Rules and Regulations without prior notification.
- Participants should be aware that that they are joining this event at their own risk and the Organisers shall not be liable for any bodily injuries, loss and/or damage to property while Organisers will ensure precautionary measures to be taken.
- The Organisers reserve the right to use any photographs, motion picture, recordings, or any other record of this race and its participants for any commercial advertising including legitimate purpose.
- The Organisers reserve the right to amend the race course without prior notice to participants.
- Should the inclement weather persist after delay, the Organisers reserve the right to change the race distance, race format or cancel the race without any refund of registration fees.
- The Organisers reserve the right to remove any participant deemed physically incapable of continuing the race.
- Participants must complete the PAR-Q health questionnaire before starting their race and seek advice from a medical professional if any of the questions is not answered positively.
- A $100 payment applies for any loss or damage to the Timing Chip or Band
- The Organisers reserve the right to limit and/or refuse entries without assigning any reason thereof.
- Once the registration form has been duly processed, there will be no fee refund for those who fail to turn up for the race and/or withdraw from it.
- Individual race entries are non-transferable. Any person doing so will be held responsible in case of an accident arising from or provoked by the other person during the race. The Organisers reserve the right to exclude both parties from future events.
- Changes to team relay members are permitted until registration closing date. An admin fee of S$15 applies per change of person.
- The Organisers will not be responsible for any disputes arising from incomplete/wrong entry details given by the participants.
- The race registration will only be confirmed when full payment of the race registration fee has been made.
- Entries after the registration closing date will not be entertained.
- The participant must ensure the provided race details are correct upon receipt of the Race Confirmation email and report any discrepancies within 48 hours of submission of the entry form to the Organisers. Any changes thereafter are subjected to an admin charge.
- Upgrade of a race entry is permitted until the registration closing date.
- Downgrade of race entry is permitted until registration closing date. There will be no refund of the fee difference.
- All participants must collect their Race Kit. Participants who fail to do so will not be allowed to race on Race Day
- Participants must return the Timing Chip & Band to the Organisers immediately after the race. A $100 payment applies for any loss or damage to the Timing Chip or Band.
- Participants in both the Individual and Relay category must ensure that their Timing Band is securely strapped to the left ankle before beginning on any leg of the race. The Organisers are not responsible for any inaccuracy in participant’s race timings due to improper wearing of the Timing Band.
- Participants must read the Race Briefing prior to the race to familiarise themselves with the venue, course and rules of the Event. The Race Briefing will be available on the event website 10 days prior to the race.
- Participants who wish to protest against another competitor or notify a violation must do so in writing to the Organisers within 30 minutes of his/her finish time. A deposit of SGD$50 must accompany the appropriate protest and will be refunded if the protest is successful.
- Wetsuit is not permitted. Two-piece swimwear/bikini is also not allowed (local authority requirement).
- Safety swimming buoy is compulsory.
- Kayak must follow at the back of each swimmer. No drafting allowed.
- No swimmer shall be permitted to use or wear any device which may be an aid to their speed, endurance, or buoyancy. Swimsuit, rash guard, compression wear, goggles, nose clip and earplugs may be used.
- No watches or music devices allowed.
- During roll call, all participants will have to go through a verification check that their timing chips are the same numbers as their body markings.
- To complete the race, swimmers must start at the flag off point, swim the route following the directional buoys, pass the turning buoys, complete the course by swimming through funnel and touch the finishing pad with either hand with the timing chip.
- Please cooperate with the finishing judges if they ask for your race number upon touching the pad.
- In water, swimmers can always hold onto the swimming safety buoy anytime for resting or while waiting for a flag-off.
- Swimmers must pass through each checkpoint.
- Swimmers who do not finish the course within the time limit shall be removed from the water, however the race director may allow a swimmer outside the time limit to complete the course.
- All swimmers shall have their race number clearly displayed on the arms and upper backs. Additional marking on swim caps for swimmers wearing long sleeves..
- There are turning judges at each turning point to monitor and to report any rule breached. Together with the turning judges, there will be a halfway turn timekeeper to take timing, this is a second-level identification to ensure all swimmers past the halfway turn.
- The red flag will be shown to the swimmer after receiving a yellow flag previously due to a flagrant foul and they will be disqualified.
- If in the opinion of the referee, any swimmer, or swimmer’s approved representative, takes advantage of committing any violation of the rules or by making intentional contact with any swimmer, the following proceeding shall apply:
- 1st infringement: A yellow flag and a card bearing the swimmer’s number shall be raised to indicate and to inform the swimmer that they are in violation of the rules.
2nd infringement: A red flag and a card bearing the swimmer’s number shall be raised by the referee to indicate and to inform the swimmer that they are in violation of the rules for the 2nd time. The swimmer shall be disqualified. They must leave the water immediately and be placed in an escort craft and take no further part in the race.
Timing-Chip, Safety Buoy and Cap
- Solo swimmer will be provided with 1 timing-chip and Relay swimmers will be provided 1 timing-chip for each swimmers to be worn on wrist. No deposit required. The timing chip MUST be returned
- In the event you lose your timing chip during the swim, please inform a nearby official immediately.
- Referees will have spare timing-chips.
- Please use the hand strapped with the timing chip to touch the finishing pad. If not, a disqualification may be issued.
- Safety buoy is compulsory. This is for the safety of all swimmers.
- Must wear provided swimming cap.